সরকারি কাজে ব্যবহারিক বাংলা Sarkari Kaje Baeboharik Bangla
☆ সরকারি কাজে ব্যাবহারিক বাংলা অ্যাপ ☆
সরকারি কাজে ব্যাবহারিক বাংলা (বাংলা একাডেমির প্রমিতবাংলা বানানের নিয়ম অনুসরণে)
বাংলা ভাষা বাস্তবায়ন কোষ,
সংস্কার ও গবেষণা অনুবিভাগ,
জনপ্রশাসন মন্ত্রণালয়,
বাংলাদেশ সচিবালয়, ঢাকা.
সরকারি কাজে ব্যাবহারিক বাংলা অ্যাপে স্বাগত। আপনার যে-কোনো অভিযোগ বা মতামত জানাতে মেইল করুন : assignoff@mopa.gov.bd
▌নির্দেশনায়, ফয়েজ আহম্মদ, সচিব, জনপ্রশাসন মন্ত্রণালয়
▌তত্ত্বাবধানে, মোঃ মফিদুর রহমান, যুগ্মসচিব ও চিপ ইনোভেশন অফিসার, জনপ্রশাসন মন্ত্রণালয়
▌ইনোভেশন অফিসার/ফোকাল পয়েন্ট ও অ্যাপ অ্যাডমিন মাস্টার , মোঃ মোস্তফা, অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট অফিসার, জনপ্রশাসন মন্ত্রণালয়.
▌History & Details:
The history of sacrifice for the mother tongue is nowhere in the history of Language is compared to Bengali. Today, Bangladesh is an independent state, with a bloody way to protect the dignity of the mother tongue. The Bengali language is our state language. From the center to the grassroots, all the offices and agencies are using Bangle language. In the meantime, the Bengali Language Circulation Act 1987 has been issued. There is a problem with the use of the Bengali language in government work. Due to the lack of proper terminology and spelling differences, there is a difference in the use of the language. The lack of knowledge of standard linguistics does not make it possible to protect the purity of the language in all respects.
The government may change any spelling of Bangla world and change rules of usage of the word will store in server and this will show through this app. This app will help people to use the correct Bangla word perfectly.
The Ministry of Public Administration, Bangladesh managing this app and server as well as.
Users can install this app free and view the list of words that are changed by the Bangladesh government.
▌Report a Problem
- If you find a sentence that is incorrect or a problem with the app, please use the in-app report a problem button, and this will send all the information to us to have a look at and correct if necessary.
▌Contact Us
We love hearing your suggestions and are always happy to help. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact us using the contact form in the app or sending an email to info@hrsoftbd.com.
▌Please Rate Us
If you enjoy this app please leave a rating or review. If there is something you don’t like or would like improved, please send us a message using the in-app contact form or send an email to info@hrsoftbd.com.
▌Designed & Developed by: www.hrsoftbd.com.
Practical Bangla Sarkari Kaje Baeboharik Bangla for Government Use
কারি Business Bangla App for Government
Practical Government in Bengali (Bengali Academy pramitabanla spelling rules to follow)
Bengali language implementation cell,
Department of Reform and Research,
Ministry of Public Administration,
Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka.
Welcome to the official Bangla App for Government work. Please email: assignoff@mopa.gov.bd to report any complaints or comments you have
In that direction, Faiz Ahmed, Secretary, Ministry of Public Administration
For the most part, Md. Mofidur Rahman, Joint Secretary and Chip Innovation Officer, Ministry of Public Administration
Innovation Officer / Focal Point & App Admin Master, Md Mostafa, Assignment Officer, Ministry of Public Administration.
IstoryHistory & Details:
The history of sacrifice for the mother tongue is now in the history of the language is compared to Bengali. Today, Bangladesh is an independent state, with a bloody way to protect the dignity of the mother tongue. The Bengali language is our state language. From the center to the grassroots, all offices and agencies are using Bangle language. In the meantime, the Bengali Language Circulation Act 1987 has been issued. There is a problem with the use of the Bengali language in government work. Due to the lack of proper terminology and spelling differences, there is a difference in the use of the language. The lack of standard linguistics of knowledge does not make it possible to protect the purity of the language in all respects.
The government may change any spelling of the Bangla world and change the usage rules of the word in the server and will show through this app. This app will help people to use the correct Bangla word perfectly.
The Ministry of Public Administration, Bangladesh manages this app and server as well.
Users can install this app free and view the list of words that have been changed by the Bangladesh Government.
▌Report a Problem
- If you find a sentence that is incorrect or has a problem with the app, please use the in-app report a problem button, and this will send all the information we have a look at and correct if necessary.
▌Contact Us
We love hearing your suggestions and are always happy to help. If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us using the contact form in the app or sending an email to info@hrsoftbd.com.
▌Please Rate Us
If you enjoy this app please leave a rating or review. If there is anything you would like or would like improved, please send us a message using the in-app contact form or send an email to info@hrsoftbd.com.
▌Designed & Developed by: www.hrsoftbd.com.